1000 English words for beginners
Welcome to this new topic, which we will present to you through this article with the most famous 1000 words in the English language, to help you learn the English language by learning the words and terms that will benefit you in learning English faster. Follow us.
The English language is one of the most important languages that we must learn and start as soon as possible to open many doors and fields for us that depend heavily on this language, and through this Website, we are always working to provide you with a lot of topics and books that You are interested in learning English on your own without the need for someone to teach you these languages. All you have to do is follow all the topics we publish continuously without stopping, and thus you will benefit more and learn English as soon as possible.
The English language is essential in our daily lives, and it opens up many horizons for us through which we can enter the labor market, whether in our country of origin or other countries. It provides you with a well-paid job that enables you to live decently.
List of English words for beginners
The most famous 1000 words in the English language Here are a lot of topics that interest you to learn English and its basic grammar in a simple, easy, and fast way:
70 Words with A for beginners
- apple
- ant
- all
- arm
- add
- air
- animal
- ape
- act
- aunt
- able
- aim
- away
- attract
- angel
- angry
- airplane
- arrive
- area
- art
- afternoon
- alone
- afraid
- after
- again
- agree
- ahead
- allow
- alive
- amaze
- amount
- amuse
- and
- announce
- answer
- antique
- any
- apart
- appeal
- appear
- apple
- April
- armchair
- armadillo
- around
- arrange
- arrive
- article
- artist
- as
- ask
- asleep
- assist
- assume
- at
- attack
- attempt
- attend
- attention
- attitude
- attract
- August
- aunt
- available
- average
- avoid
- award
- aware
- away
- awesome
50 Words with B for beginners
- Ball
- Bear
- Bird
- Bicycle
- Butterfly
- Banana
- Boy
- Bus
- Box
- Bottle
- Beach
- Bed
- Book
- Bread
- Butterfly
- Banana
- Boy
- Bus
- Baby
- Backpack
- Bag
- Baseball
- Bath
- Bathtub
- Beautiful
- Bedroom
- Bee
- Before
- Behind
- Below
- Big
- Bike
- Bill
- Birdhouse
- Birthday
- Black
- Blanket
- Block
- Blue
- Boat
- Body
- Boil
- Bold
- Bone
- Bonus
- Bookshelf
- Boot
- Border
- Bottle
- Bottom
50 Words with C for beginners
- Cat
- Car
- Cake
- Camera
- Candy
- Cloud
- Cow
- Cup
- Carrot
- Computer
- Coat
- Clock
- Color
- Cook
- Cracker
- Cream
- Crayon
- Cricket
- Crown
- Cry
- Cupcake
- Curtain
- Cactus
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Camera
- Can
- Candle
- Candy
- Cap
- Car
- Card
- Care
- Carrot
- Case
- Cat
- Catch
- Ceiling
- Cell
- Cellar
- Cent
- Chain
- Chair
- Chalk
- Champion
- Chance
- Change
- Channel
- Character
- Charge
50 Words with D for beginners
- Dog
- Duck
- Dolphin
- Door
- Day
- Doll
- Dress
- Drink
- Drum
- Dinosaur
- Desk
- Diamond
- Dance
- Date
- Dark
- Daylight
- Deaf
- Death
- December
- Delicious
- Dentist
- Design
- Desk
- Desire
- Destination
- Detailed
- Develop
- Device
- Devil
- Diamond
- Diary
- Dice
- Different
- Difficult
- Dig
- Dinner
- Dinosaur
- Direction
- Disappear
- Discover
- Disease
- Display
- Distance
- Distribute
- District
- Divide
- Divorce
- Doctor
- Dog
- Dollar
50 Words with E for beginners
- Elephant
- Egg
- Eye
- Ear
- Earth
- Elephant
- Eggplant
- Elk
- Elephant
- Elephant
- Eye
- Earring
- Early
- Earth
- Easter
- Easy
- Eat
- Education
- Egg
- Eight
- Either
- Electric
- Electronic
- Elephant
- Elevator
- Eleven
- Else
- Embarrass
- Embassy
- Emerald
- Emergency
- Emotion
- Emperor
- Employment
- Empty
- Envelope
- Enthusiasm
- Entrance
- Environment
- Epic
- Equal
- Equipment
- Era
- Error
- Escape
- Essay
- Essential
- Estate
- Etcetera
40 Words with F for beginners
- Fish
- Frog
- Flower
- Fruit
- Fire
- Fan
- Feather
- Feet
- Finger
- Fireworks
- Football
- Forest
- Family
- Farm
- Father
- Feather
- February
- Feed
- Feel
- Female
- Fence
- Festival
- Fiddle
- Field
- Fight
- Figure
- File
- Fill
- Film
- Filter
- Final
- Find
- Fine
- Finger
- Finish
- Fire
- Fireman
- Firm
- Fish
- Flag
40 Words with G for beginners
- Giraffe
- Gorilla
- Goldfish
- Guitar
- Garden
- Glass
- Game
- Ghost
- Gift
- Grass
- Green
- Grin
- Graduate
- Grape
- Great
- Group
- Globe
- Gloves
- Goal
- God
- Good
- Gorgeous
- Government
- Grade
- Grandmother
- Grandfather
- Granddaughter
- Grandson
- Grapefruit
- Graphic
- Graph
- Grapes
- Greet
- Grey
- Grill
- Groom
- Grief
- Grief
- Grocery
- Group
30 Words with H for beginners
- House
- Hat
- Hand
- Heart
- Horse
- Hammer
- Hat
- Happy
- Head
- Hair
- Halloween
- Hall
- Half
- Handle
- Handy
- Hanger
- Happy
- Harbor
- Hard
- Harm
- Harmonica
- Harvest
- Hatchet
- Haul
- Haunted
- Health
- Healthy
- Heat
- Heaven
- Heavy
40 Words with I for beginners
- Ice cream
- Insect
- Island
- Irons
- Inside
- Ice
- Ink
- Income
- Increase
- Insect
- Inside
- Interest
- Into
- Introduce
- Invent
- Invest
- Invite
- Island
- It
- Item
- Its
- Itself
- Ice cream
- Ice skater
- Idea
- Identify
- Ignore
- Image
- Imagine
- Imitate
- Immediate
- Importance
- Important
- Impression
- Improve
- In
- Include
- Increase
- Incredible
- Individual
30 Words with J for beginners
- Juice
- Jump
- Jelly
- Joke
- Job
- Jack
- Jumbo
- Jewel
- January
- Jog
- Joint
- Journey
- Journal
- Joy
- Jumbo
- Jukebox
- Jump rope
- Jumper
- Jungle
- Junior
- Just
- Justice
- Juggle
- Jug
- Jumbo jet
- Jumper
- Joyful
- Jealous
- Jigsaw
- Journalist
30 Words with K for beginners
- Kangaroo
- Key
- Kite
- King
- Kick
- Knife
- Kitten
- Knee
- Knight
- Keychain
- Keep
- Kickball
- Kiss
- Kitchen
- Kite
- Kettle
- Keyboard
- Knowledge
- Kneel
- Knead
- Knight
- Knight
- Knit
- Knapsack
- Knife
- Knock
- Knot
- Know
- Knowledgeable
- Kind
50 Words with L for beginners
- Lion
- Leaf
- Light
- Love
- Lamp
- Ladybug
- Ladder
- Lake
- Land
- Laughter
- Lemon
- Leg
- Letter
- Library
- Lion
- Lizard
- Lemonade
- Lighthouse
- Lips
- Listen
- Little
- Live
- Liver
- Lizard
- Log
- Long
- Look
- Lose
- Love
- Low
- Laughter
- Laptop
- Lace
- Label
- Labor
- Lack
- Lady
- Lamp
- Landscape
- Lane
- Language
- Laughter
- Lava
- Law
- Lawyer
- Lay
- Layer
- Lead
- Leaf
- League
50 Words with M for beginners
- Monkey
- Moon
- Mouse
- Mountain
- Music
- Man
- Woman
- Map
- Milk
- Money
- Meat
- Mirror
- Movie
- Mother
- Motorcycle
- Magazine
- Make
- Many
- March
- Market
- Mathematics
- Matter
- Measure
- Meet
- Member
- Memory
- Men
- Menu
- Message
- Metal
- Method
- Middle
- Minute
- Mischievous
- Miss
- Mistake
- Mix
- Model
- Modern
- Moment
- Monday
- Money
- Monitor
- Monster
- Month
- Moon
- More
- Morning
- Most
50 Words with N for beginners
- Nest
- Name
- Night
- Nature
- Numbers
- Notebook
- Note
- Nose
- Neck
- Needle
- Neighbor
- Nation
- Nap
- Nail
- Musical Note
- Nature
- Navy
- Near
- Necessary
- Necktie
- Negative
- Neighbor
- Nephew
- Niece
- Nice
- Night
- Nine
- Ninety
- No
- Noble
- Nobody
- Nod
- Noise
- None
- Noon
- North
- Nose
- Not
- Notebook
- Notice
- Notify
- Notion
- Noun
- Now
- Number
- Nurse
- Nut
- Nail polish
- Name tag
- National
50 Words with O for beginners
- Owl
- Orange
- Ocean
- Octopus
- Office
- Oil
- Old
- On
- One
- Open
- Out
- Over
- Owl
- Oven
- Outfit
- Opposite
- Opinion
- Opportunity
- Order
- Organ
- Origin
- Original
- Ornament
- Outdoors
- Outfit
- Outlaw
- Outline
- Outcome
- Output
- Outset
- Outrage
- Outside
- Outlast
- Outlet
- Outline
- Outshine
- Outsmart
- Outspoken
- Outcome
- Outstanding
- Outward
- Outgrown
- Outnumber
- Outlander
- Outlander
- Outlet mall
- Outfit
- Outlander
- Outlander
- Outlander
50 Words with P for beginners
- Pig
- Pen
- Paper
- Plant
- People
- Pencil
- Picture
- Pack
- Page
- Party
- Parent
- Park
- Pass
- Past
- Path
- Peace
- Peacock
- Pear
- Penny
- People
- Performance
- Permission
- Person
- Pet
- Phone
- Photo
- Piano
- Pick
- Picture
- Piece
- Piggy bank
- Pile
- Pillow
- Pin
- Pink
- Place
- Plan
- Plant
- Play
- Player
- Please
- Plenty
- Plot
- Plunge
- Plus
- Point
- Police
- Policy
- Pool
25 Words with Q for beginners
- Queen
- Question
- Quilt
- Quail
- Quadruped
- Quirk
- Quiver
- Quiché
- Quick
- Quiet
- Quilt
- Quince
- Quail
- Quaint
- Quack
- Quad
- Quiché
- Quest
- Quibble
- Quail
- Quench
- Quota
- Quote
- Quiver
- Quaint
50 Words with R for beginners
- Rabbit
- Rain
- Rose
- Rock
- Red
- Read
- Runner
- Race
- Right
- Ring
- Ribbon
- Rice
- Road
- Robot
- Rocking chair
- Raincoat
- Rainbow
- Raise
- Ranch
- Range
- Rank
- Rapid
- Rare
- Rate
- Rat
- Raw
- Ray
- Reach
- React
- Read
- Ready
- Real
- Reason
- Receive
- Recent
- Recipe
- Record
- Recover
- Red
- Reduce
- Reflect
- Refuse
- Region
- Register
- Regular
- Reject
- Relate
- Relax
- Release
- Remain
50 Words with S for beginners
- sit
- sun
- sad
- see
- sea
- six
- sip
- set
- say
- so
- son
- sock
- sing
- singe
- star
- stop
- shop
- ship
- snake
- snow
- seat
- school
- sell
- self
- serve
- safe
- save
- swim
- swing
- swan
- sword
- sweet
- street
- start
- story
- stone
- sound
- south
- smile
- small
- soft
- space
- spin
- spring
- speak
- spell
- spend
- sport
- spot
- step
15 Words with T for beginners
- top
- toy
- toe
- ten
- tap
- tag
- tree
- train
- table
- talk
- take
- time
- turn
- two
- tail
10 Words with U for beginners
- up
- use
- under
- umbrella
- uncle
- ugly
- unit
- university
- us
- unique
20 Words with V for beginners
- van
- very
- vase
- velvet
- vegetable
- vehicle
- view
- village
- volcano
- vote
- video
- violin
- visit
- voice
- valley
- velvet
- virtual
- valuable
- variety
- victory
20 Words with W for beginners
- water
- walk
- wall
- window
- watch
- wave
- warm
- winter
- wish
- wild
- woman
- world
- work
- website
- wheel
- white
- whistle
- wicked
- welcome
- weight
10 Words with X for beginners
- Xaern
- Xanadu
- Xanthic
- Xany
- Xboba
- Xenacious
- Xenas
- Xenial
- Xenial
- X-rated
20 Words with Y for beginners
- yellow
- year
- yesterday
- yes
- young
- you
- yoga
- yummy
- yoyo
- yard
- yarn
- yolk
- yachts
- yield
- youth
- yodel
- yank
- yap
- yaw
- yawn
10 Words with Z for beginners
- zipper
- zero
- zoo
- zebra
- zeal
- zig
- zap
- zest
- zone
- zinc