80 Demographic Terms in English

80 Demographic Terms in English

80 Demographic Terms in English

Demography is a science concerned with the study of population structure and the study of the phenomenon of overpopulation in certain regions and lack of population in other regions.

Demography terminology in English is of interest to every student of demography and contains many words that will help you in studying or researching and also in writing topics in English. It will be presented in the form of simple tables to make it easier for you to read and memorize, and you can use it whenever you want.

What is Demography?

Demography is the science of geographic population distribution. It studies the population explosion and population structure in terms of gender, age, and the factors influencing the size and distribution of the population, whether they are human factors or environmental factors. 

It also examines the science of demography in epidemic diseases and genetic diseases endemic in the population and the analysis of the qualitative situation, as well as studying the living condition of the family. Demography studies migration in general and internal displacement in particular.

Therefore, we will present your English terms for each researcher and student to be able to write topics in English about demography. We will present these terms in the form of arranged and organized tables.

  1. Infectious Diseases: Through the air
  2. Contagious Diseases
  3. Communicable Diseases
  4. Human Cloning
  5. Contraceptives
  6. Application Methods: Methods of using contraceptive methods
  7. Contraception
  8. Population
  9. Family Planning
  10. Birth-Control: Control the number of births
  11. Fertility Regulation
  12. Child mortality rate
  13. Stationary population: Population in a steady state
  14. Gender awareness: The quality of the two types
  15. Gender Analysis
  16. Gender Asymmetry
  17. Gender-based division of labor
  18. Polygamy
  19. Polyandry: Polyandry for one wife / Polygamy for one husband
  20. Monogamy
  21. Reproductive health
  22. Abortion
  23. Miscarriage: Unintentional abortion
  24. Po-life: Anti-abortion
  25. Pro-Choice: Abortion Freedom Advocacy
  26. Multi Para: Multiple childbirth woman
  27. Prime-gravid: Download for the first time
  28. Embryo: Embryo in the first stage
  29. Fetus: The fetus in its last stages
  30. Infant: The child after birth
  31. Female infanticide
  32. Feticide
  33. Premature birth
  34. Birth at term
  35. Birth Spacing
  36. Birth Intervals
  37. Biological Parents
  38. Foster Parents
  39. Foster Care: Orphan sponsorship
  40. Childbearing age
  41. Baby boom
  42. Prenatal care
  43. Post-natal care
  44. Postnatal depression
  45. Delivery
  46. Confinement
  47. Circumcision
  48. Household: Family sector
  49. Breadwinner Family
  50. Dependent
  51. To support/ sustain
  52. Conjugal family: A married family – a family without children
  53. Child abuse
  54. Child battering
  55. Battered wives
  56. Immigration
  57. Immigrant: One migration – external
  58. Migration in general
  59. Emigration: Displacement—internal migration
  60. Emigrant
  61. Demography / the science of geographical distribution of population Demography
  62. Population explosion
  63. Population density
  64. Overpopulation
  65. Underpopulation
  66. Depopulation Decreasing Population
  67. Population structure
  68. Gender structure
  69. Age structure
  70. Reproduction
  71. Factors affecting the volume and distribution of the population
  72. Natural Factors
  73. Man-made Factors
  74. Epidemic Diseases
  75. Genetic Diseases
  76. Deficiency Diseases
  77. Venereal Diseases
  78. Cardio-vascular diseases
  79. Endemic Diseases
  80. Chronic Diseases