Numbers in Words 1 To 100
Writing numbers in words can be useful in situations where it's important to spell out the numerical value for clarity or formality, such as when writing a check or in legal documents.
Here are some general rules to follow when writing numbers in words:
Write Out Single-Digit Numbers
Write out numbers one through nine in words, but use numerals for numbers 10 and higher. For example, write "five" for the number 5, but write "20" for the number 20.
Use Hyphens for Compound Numbers
When writing numbers between 21 and 99, use a hyphen to connect the tens digit and the one's digit. For example, write "twenty-three" for the number 23.
Use "and" for Numbers with Decimals
When writing numbers with decimals, use "and" to indicate the decimal point. For example, write "three and a half" for the number 3.5.
Be Consistent
When writing out a series of numbers, use the same format consistently. For example, if you're writing out the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in words, write "one, two, and three" instead of mixing styles and writing "1, two, and 3."
Use Commas in Large Numbers
In numbers with more than three digits, use commas to separate groups of three digits. For example, write "1,000" instead of "1000."
In general, when writing numbers in words, it's important to be clear and consistent. By following these basic rules, you can ensure that your written numbers are easy to read and understand.
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Six
- Seven
- Eight
- Nine
- Ten
- Eleven
- Twelve
- Thirteen
- Fourteen
- Fifteen
- Sixteen
- Seventeen
- Eighteen
- Nineteen
- Twenty
- Twenty-one
- Twenty-two
- Twenty-three
- Twenty-four
- Twenty-five
- Twenty-six
- Twenty-seven
- Twenty-eight
- Twenty-nine
- Thirty
- Thirty-one
- Thirty-two
- Thirty-three
- Thirty-four
- Thirty-five
- Thirty-six
- Thirty-seven
- Thirty-eight
- Thirty-nine
- Forty
- Forty-one
- Forty-two
- Forty-three
- Forty-four
- Forty-five
- Forty-six
- Forty-seven
- Forty-eight
- Forty-nine
- Fifty
- Fifty-one
- Fifty-two
- Fifty-three
- Fifty-four
- Fifty-five
- Fifty-six
- Fifty-seven
- Fifty-eight
- Fifty-nine
- Sixty
- Sixty-one
- Sixty-two
- Sixty-three
- Sixty-four
- Sixty-five
- Sixty-six
- Sixty-seven
- Sixty-eight
- Sixty-nine
- Seventy
- Seventy-one
- Seventy-two
- Seventy-three
- Seventy-four
- Seventy-five
- Seventy-six
- Seventy-seven
- Seventy-eight
- Seventy-nine
- Eighty
- Eighty-one
- Eighty-two
- Eighty-three
- Eighty-four
- Eighty-five
- Eighty-six
- Eighty-seven
- Eighty-eight
- Eighty-nine
- Ninety
- Ninety-one
- Ninety-two
- Ninety-three
- Ninety-four
- Ninety-five
- Ninety-six
- Ninety-seven
- Ninety-eight
- Ninety-nine
- One hundred