27 Psychology terms in English

Psychology terms in English

27 Psychology terms in English
27 Psychology terms in English

Welcome to our article on psychology terms! This is a great place to learn English and expand your vocabulary. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior, and it has a wide range of terms that can be difficult to understand. This article will cover some of the most important and commonly used psychology terms to help you understand the field and improve your English.

These terms are useful for psychology students and anyone interested in the field. You will be able to better understand psychology research, as well as your own and others' behavior. In addition, knowing psychology terminology can also be useful in everyday life, such as when communicating with mental health professionals or discussing mental health issues with friends and family. Let's begin by reviewing some essential terminology in psychology!

Introduction to psychology terminology

The scientific study of human ideas and behavior is known as psychology. It is a fascinating field that helps us understand how we think, feel, and act. In this section, we will discuss some basic terms and concepts in psychology.

  1. Clinical: A branch of psychology concerned with treating psychological and behavioral disorders
  2. Cognition: The psychological outcome of perception and thinking
  3. Industrial: Any of several branches of psychology that seeks to apply psychological principles to practical problems of education, industry, marketing, etc.
  4. Phobia: An anxiety disorder characterized by irrational fear
  5.  Psychology: the science of mental life
  6. Social: The branch of psychology that studies people and their relationships with others, with groups, and with society as a whole
  7. Normal distribution: Theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance
  8. Correlation coefficient: A statistic that represents the degree of closeness between two variables
  9. Double-blind study: An experimental procedure in which neither the subjects nor the people running the experiment know critical aspects of the experiment
  10.  Informed consent: A patient agrees to undergo a medical or surgical treatment or participate in a trial after the patient understands the risks involved
  11. Hypothesis: A tentative vision that has not yet been verified or tested
  12. Placebo: A harmless or inactive drug
  13. Theory: A well-evidenced explanation of some aspect of the world
  14. Variable: Something that is likely to change
  15. Attractiveness: the quality of arousing interest
  16. Catharsis: Cleansing emotional tensions
  17. Conflict: An open conflict between two opposing groups
  18. Conformity: Conformity in shape, type, or appearance
  19. Culture: All knowledge and values ​​shared by society
  20. Debriefing: A meeting in which someone reports on a task or task
  21.  Deception: a misleading lie
  22. Displacement: The act of taking another position
  23.  Framing: A frame that supports and protects a picture or mirror
  24.  Frustration: The act of obstructing someone's plans or efforts
  25. Groupthink: Decision making by a group
  26. Heuristic: A logical rule to help solve some problem
  27. Hypothesis: A tentative vision that has not yet been verified or tested