عبارات حروف الجر مع الزمان والمكان
عبارات حروف الجر مع الزمان والمكان |
عبارة الجر هي حرف الجر مع ضمير أو اسم. نستخدم عبارات جر مختلفة للتحدث عن الوقت. على سبيل المثال "in" و "on" و "at". نحن نستخدم كلمة "in" بشكل شائع مع المواسم والقرون والأشهر والأيام والسنوات. نستخدم في اليوم بما في ذلك أيام الأسبوع والعطلات والتاريخ والمناسبات الخاصة. نستخدم "at" في وقت محدد.
حروف الجر الوقت
حرف الجر مع in
- In a few minutes
- In a week
- In the Middle Ages
- In a moment
- In the seventies
- In an hour
- In the future
- In January
- In April
- In the past
- In (the) spring
- In (the) fall/ autumn
- In the 1960s
- In the easter holiday
- In (the) winter
- In 1980
- In the 21st century
- In the next century
- In the 10 years time
- In (the) summer
- In the morning
- In the evening
- In the afternoon
حرف الجر مع at
- At this moment
- At the weekend (u.k)
- At the same time
- At the moment
- At that time
- At sunrise/ sunset
- At present
- At noon/ midday
- At night
- A new year
- At midnight
- At lunchtime
- At lunch
- At Easter
- At dinner time
- At dinner
- At dawn
- At Christmas
- At breakfast
- At bedtime
- At 7 am
- At 5 pm
- At 12 o’clock
حرف الجر مع on
- On my lunch break
- On the weekend (u.s.)
- On Sunday morning(s)
- On a cold day
- On that day
- On Friday afternoon(s)
- On weekdays
- On 1st January 2013
- On April 3rd
- On Easter day
- On the 10th
- On the last day
- On my wedding day
- On New Year’s Day
- On my birthday
- On holiday
- On a summer evening
- On Christmas day
- On time
- On the first day
- On Monday
- On Sunday
- On Thursday
حروف الجر المكان
نستخدم أنواعًا مختلفة من حروف الجر للتحدث عن أماكن مثل "at college" ، "on a corner" ، "in a car" ، إلخ. في هذه العبارات ، نستخدم at ، in ، on كحرف جر للمكان.
أمثلة على عبارة الجر مع حرف الجر للمكان at ، in ، on.
حرف الجر مع at
- At the traffic lights
- At the corner
- At the hairdresser’s
- At someone’s house
- At the back
- At the front
- At the entrance
- At reception
- At the top of page
- At the exit
- At the front
- At the top
- At the office
- At the station
- At the corner
- At the front desk
- At a conference
- At home
- At the top
- At the door
- At the corner
- At the end of the road
- At the crossroads
- At the top of the page
- At a conference
- At 189 oxford street
- At the front
- At the back
- At a party
- At someone’s house
- At home
- At the side
- At the Chrysler building
- At work
- At the doctor’s
- At college
- At university
- At the front
- At school
- At a party
- At the entrance
- At the bottom
- At a concert
- At the entrance
- At reception
- At a party
- At the bus stop
- At the doctor’s
حرف الجر مع in
- In traffic jam
- In the closet
- In a room
- In bed
- In the west/east
- In a queue
- In the journal
- In the mirror
- In the book
- In the end
- In the north/south
- In a line
- In prison
- In the cinema
- In the city center
- In an armchair
- In the bank
- In the house
- In the sky
- In the kitchen
- In a basket
- In the bag
- In the street
- In the picture
- In the newspaper
- In oxford street
- In my pocket
- In my wallet
- In the world
- In the water
- In a pool
- In a row
- In a building
- In a car
- In the classroom
- In a boat
- In a helicopter
- In the article
- In a lift (elevator)
- In the market
- In the beginning
- In a box
- In London
- In a town/ in a country
- In a garden
- In the sea/ river
- In a taxi
- In Times Square
حرف الجر مع on
- On the way
- On the shelf
- On the second floor
- On the roof
- On the right
- On the right
- On the radio
- On the phone
- On the page
- On the menu
- On the left
- On the left
- On the internet
- On the ground
- On the floor
- On the desk
- On the cover
- On the corner
- On the ceiling
- On the ceiling
- On the carpet
- On the bottle
- On the beach
- On television
- On television
- On Seventh Avenue
- On his face
- On her nose
- On an island
- On an island
- On an island
- On an elephant
- On a wall
- On a train
- On a table
- On a ship
- On a plane
- On a page
- On a motorbike
- On a map
- On a list
- On a list
- On a horse
- On a farm
- On a farm
- On a coast
- On a bus
- On a bicycle