100 Most Common Words in English

100 Most Common Words in English

100 Most Common Words in English
100 Most Common Words in English

English has an unparalleled wealth of words designed to convey a wide range of meanings. Here are some common types of English words:

Nouns: words that represent people, places, things, or ideas, such as "dog," "city," "book," and "happiness.".

Verbs: words that express an action, occurrence, or state of being, such as "run," "speak," or "exist.".

Adjectives: words that describe or modify nouns, such as "red," "happy," and "tall.".

Adverbs: words that describe or modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, such as "quickly," "very," or "well.".

Pronouns: words that replace nouns in a sentence, such as "he," "she," "it," or "they.".

Prepositions: words that show the relationship between nouns and other words in a sentence, such as "in," "on," "at," or "under.".

Conjunctions: words that link words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence, such as "and," "but," or "or.".

Interjections: These are words that express strong emotions or feelings, such as “oh,” “wow,” and “ouch.” Each of these types of words plays an important role in conveying meaning in English, and understanding how to use them effectively can help you communicate more clearly and effectively.

  1. Across
  2. Against
  3. Along
  4. Although
  5. Within
  6. Among
  7. Around
  8. Behind
  9. Below
  10. Down
  11. Beneath
  12. Beside
  13. Between
  14. Beyond
  15. Inside
  16. Instead
  17. Onto
  18. Outside
  19. Over
  20. Through
  21. Throughout
  22. Towards
  23. Until
  24. Upon
  25. Upon
  26. Versus
  27. Via
  28. While
  29. Whilst
  30. Amid
  31. Amidst
  32. Anyhow
  33. Anytime
  34. Anyway
  35. Anywhere
  36. Brightly
  37. Briefly
  38. Certainly
  39. Clearly
  40. Commonly
  41. Daily
  42. Directly
  43. Eagerly
  44. Easily
  45. Effectively
  46. Elsewhere
  47. Equally Equally
  48. Especially
  49. Essentially
  50. Evenly
  51. Recently
  52. Lastly
  53. Forever
  54. Evermore
  55. Everywhere
  56. Explicitly
  57. Explicitly
  58. Quite Fairly
  59. Famously
  60. Farther
  61. Firstly
  62. Formerly
  63. Frequently
  64. Generally
  65. Genuinely
  66. Gradually
  67. Greatly
  68. Barely
  69. Hardly
  70. Hence
  71. Hereby
  72. Herein
  73. Historically
  74. Hopefully
  75. Immediately
  76. Inasmuch
  77. Incredibly
  78. Individually
  79. Mainly
  80. Just Merely
  81. Moreover
  82. Especially
  83. Mostly
  84. Namely
  85. Naturally
  86. Nearly
  87. Notably
  88. Nowadays
  89. Occasionally
  90. Originally
  91. Ostensibly
  92. Otherwise
  93. Outright
  94. Overboard
  95. Overhead
  96. Overnight
  97. Particularly
  98. Past
  99. Permanently
  100. Personally