13 Letter Words in English
13 Letter Words in English |
There are several 13-letter words in the English language. They include nouns, adjectives, verbs, and more. Some begin with this letter, while others with a different one. The terminologies describe objects, demonstrate actions, and may be employed in a variety of contexts. Whatever you're attempting to say, there's a decent chance it can be expressed with 13 letter words.
English Words with 13 Letters in English
There are 13-letter English words in the English language. They are nouns, adjectives, verbs, and more. Some start with this letter, while others start with a different letter. Terms describe things, show action, etc. and can be used in many occasions. Whatever you are trying to say, there is a good chance that there are 13 letters to say.
Common 13-letter words with meanings
Objectiveness has thirteen letters in total, and it is the nominal form of the word objective. The definition of this term is a goal or something that is aimed at or sought after. Anyone can use this word in a sentence such as The lawyer achieved his goal by winning the case.
Communication is a noun that has thirteen letters. It means the exchange of information or news. If one were to ask a question using the term, they might say something like, “Is communication taking place between the two countries to prevent war?”
Next on this 13-letter list is the adjective inspirational. Meaning to provide or show spiritual/creative inspiration. The coach’s inspiring halftime speech helped lead the team to victory. Here’s an example of how to use the adjective correctly.
Here’s a list of 350 English words, each of which has 13 letters:
- Accidentally
- Accomplished
- Appropriated
- Architecture
- Arrangements
- Astronomical
- Backgrounders
- Beneficently
- Celebration
- Censoriously
- Clandestinely
- Comfortingly
- Condescending
- Conjecturing
- Continuously
- Contrabandist
- Contrariwise
- Contributions
- Conventionist
- Correspondent
- Deficiencies
- Deliberately
- Demonstrated
- Descendants
- Disadvantage
- Disagreeable
- Disappointed
- Disapproving
- Disciplinary
- Disconnected
- Discontinues
- Disembarked
- Disentangled
- Disillusioned
- Disintegrate
- Disinterested
- Dispositions
- Dissatisfied
- Distinctions
- Distribution
- Disturbances
- Dramatically
- Eccentricity
- Embarrassing
- Emotionality
- Encouragement
- Enthusiastic
- Establishing
- Exaggeration
- Examinations
- Exclamation
- Exclusively
- Exhortation
- Experiencing
- Explanations
- Exterminator
- Extracurricular
- Extravagance
- Extraordinary
- Extraditions
- Familiarizes
- Fingerprinted
- Fraternities
- Frustrations
- Geographically
- Glorification
- Governmental
- Graciousness
- Gradualnesses
- Grandchildren
- Handkerchiefs
- Harmoniously
- Headquartering
- Hesitations
- Hilariousness
- Homogenizing
- Housewarming
- Humanitarian
- Humiliations
- Hydrodynamics
- Hypothesizes
- Idealization
- Illustrating
- Illuminating
- Immaculately
- Impersonated
- Implementing
- Implications
- Inaccessible
- Inaccuracies
- Inconvenient
- Incriminated
- Indestructible
- Indiscreetly
- Indispensable
- Inexplicable
- Infiltrating
- Infinitesimal
- Infrequently
- Informational
- Ingredients
- Inhabitation
- Inquisitively
- Inscriptions
- Insignificant
- Insinuations
- Installation
- Instrumental
- Insufficient
- Interactions
- Intermittent
- Interrupting
- Investigated
- Irresistible
- Irritability
- Justification
- Kindergartens
- Landscapes
- Largehearted
- Lengthinesses
- Limitlessness
- Linebackers
- Linguistics
- Magnetically
- Magnetizable
- Managements
- Manifestation
- Manipulation
- Marginalized
- Memorization
- Methodically
- Misbehavior
- Mischievously
- Miscalculate
- Misconceived
- Misconstrued
- Misinterpreted
- Misunderstand
- Misjudgments
- Mistranslate
- Mistrustful
- Mobilization
- Modernization
- Momentously
- Monopolistic
- Motivational
- Multicultural
- Multilingual
- Nationalized
- Negotiations
- Nervousness
- Neurological
- Nonchalantly
- Nonsensical
- Notoriously
- Nurturingly
- Obfuscation
- Objectifying
- Obligations
- Observations
- Occasionalist
- Offensively
- Oppressively
- Optimization
- Ornamentally
- Overbalanced
- Overcharging
- Overdelicate
- Overestimate
- Overextended
- Overindulge
- Overpowering
- Overprotects
- Overshadowed
- Oversimplify
- Overstatement
- Overwhelmed
- Pantomimists
- Particularity
- Pathetically
- Patronizingly
- Perceptively
- Perseverance
- Personalized
- Philosophize
- Photographed
- Pictorially
- Pilgrimages
- Placeholders
- Playgrounds
- Politicizing
- Polygraphed
- Popularity
- Possessively
- Practitioner
- Prearranging
- Predictively
- Prejudgments
- Preoccupying
- Preparations
- Prescriptions
- Preservative
- Presumptions
- Prevalently
- Productively
- Professional
- Prohibitions
- Projectively
- Promotional
- Proportional
- Prospective
- Psychologist
- Publicizing
- Purification
- Qualitatively
- Quizzicality
- Rationalized
- Readjustment
- Realizations
- Reappraisal
- Rebelliously
- Reconfigured
- Reconquering
- Reconstructs
- Rectification
- Redirections
- Redistributes
- Reflectively
- Reinfection
- Reinforcing
- Relinquished
- Remembrance
- Reminiscence
- Renegotiates
- Reorganized
- Repositioned
- Representing
- Reproduction
- Rescheduling
- Resentfulness
- Reservations
- Resiliently
- Resolutions
- Resourceful
- Restructured
- Resultantly
- Retaliations
- Retrospected
- Revitalizing
- Revolutionize
- Rhinoceroses
- Ridiculously
- Sacrificially
- Sanitization
- Scatterbrain
- Schematically
- Scrutinizing
- Secessionist
- Sensitization
- Sentimental
- Serendipity
- Significance
- Silhouetted
- Simplification
- Simultaneous
- Slaughterous
- Sleepwalking
- Sociological
- Sophisticate
- Speechlessly
- Spirituality
- Spontaneously
- Spreadsheet
- Stabilization
- Standardized
- Sterilization
- Straightness
- Strategizing
- Streamlining
- Structurally
- Subconscious
- Subordinated
- Substantiality
- Subterranean
- Successfully
- Suffocatingly
- Suggestively
- Supercharged
- Superficially
- Supervisional
- Suppressible
- Surprisingly
- Suspiciously
- Sympathizing
- Synchronization
- Systemically
- Technological
- Telemarketer
- Theatrically
- Theoretician