14 Letter Words in English

800 Words with 14 Letters in English

14 Letter Words in English
14 Letter Words in English

Are you searching for a list of fourteen-letter words? Sometimes individuals need to come up with certain terminology. Maybe a student needs a verb, noun, or synonym for a paper. Perhaps a crossword problem is driving you insane. It focuses on 14-letter terms, which you're having trouble coming up with. It doesn't matter why you need 14-letter words. The key is that you do it, and we are here to help. So, stay tuned and read on to discover more.

What are 14-letter words?

14-letter words are, as the name says, composed of 14 letters. That sounds really lengthy, doesn't it? People undoubtedly use a lot more of these long phrases than they think. For instance, there are enough of the aforementioned terms in the English lexicon, but unless people list every letter of every word they use, they're unlikely to be aware of how many 14-letter words appear.

A list of 14-letter words

Not all words with 14 letters begin with the same letter. They also differ in letters and endings. Here's a list of such words.

  1. Abstractionist
  2. Abstractnesses
  3. Abstrusenesses
  4. Acceleratingly
  5. Accelerometers
  6. Acceptableness
  7. Accessibleness
  8. Accidentalness
  9. Accommodations
  10. Accompaniments
  11. Accomplishable
  12. Accomplishment
  13. Accountability
  14. Accountantship
  15. Accreditations
  16. Acculturations
  17. Accumulatively
  18. Accuratenesses
  19. Accursednesses
  20. Accustomations
  21. Accustomedness
  22. Ambassadresses
  23. Ambidextrously
  24. Amicablenesses
  25. Aminoacidurias
  26. Aminopeptidase
  27. Aminophyllines
  28. Amitriptylines
  29. Ammonification
  30. Baccalaureates
  31. Backscattering
  32. Backwardnesses
  33. Bactericidally
  34. Bacteriologies
  35. Bacteriologist
  36. Bacteriophages
  37. Bacteriostases
  38. Bacteriostasis
  39. Bacteriostatic
  40. Bacterizations
  41. Balkanizations
  42. Beggarlinesses
  43. Beleaguerments
  44. Belligerencies
  45. Benefactresses
  46. Beneficialness
  47. Beneficiations
  48. Benevolentness
  49. Benzanthracene
  50. Benzimidazoles
  51. Benzodiazepine
  52. Boneheadedness
  53. Bootlessnesses
  54. Bottomlessness
  55. Bougainvillaea
  56. Bougainvilleas
  57. Bouillabaisses
  58. Bouleversement
  59. Bourgeoisified
  60. Bourgeoisifies
  61. Boustrophedons
  62. Bowdlerization
  63. Circumlocutory
  64. Circumnavigate
  65. Circumscissile
  66. Circumscribing
  67. Circumspection
  68. Circumstantial
  69. Circumvallated
  70. Circumvallates
  71. Circumventions
  72. Circumvolution
  73. Citriculturist
  74. Civilizational
  75. Clairaudiences
  76. Clairaudiently
  77. Clannishnesses
  78. Clapperclawing
  79. Clarifications
  80. Classicalities
  81. Classification
  82. Classificatory
  83. Clearinghouses
  84. Climatological
  85. Climatologists
  86. Cliometricians
  87. Cliquishnesses
  88. Clitorectomies
  89. Clitoridectomy
  90. Cloddishnesses
  91. Clothespresses
  92. Clownishnesses
  93. Coalifications
  94. Coastguardsman
  95. Coastguardsmen
  96. Cobelligerents
  97. Cocainizations
  98. Cocarboxylases
  99. Coincidentally
  100. Coinvestigator
  101. Collaborations
  102. Daguerreotyped
  103. Daguerreotypes
  104. Damnablenesses
  105. Dandifications
  106. Daredeviltries
  107. Debonairnesses
  108. Decaffeinating
  109. Decaffeination
  110. Decamethoniums
  111. Decarbonations
  112. Decarboxylases
  113. Decarboxylated
  114. Decarboxylates
  115. Ecclesiologist
  116. Echinococcoses
  117. Echinococcosis
  118. Echocardiogram
  119. Ecocatastrophe
  120. Econometrician
  121. Ecumenicalisms
  122. Editorializers
  123. Editorializing
  124. Educatednesses
  125. Educationalist
  126. Effectualities
  127. Effervescences
  128. Effervescently
  129. Efflorescences
  130. Effortlessness
  131. Effusivenesses
  132. Egalitarianism
  133. Egocentrically
  134. Electabilities
  135. Electioneerers
  136. Electioneering
  137. Electivenesses
  138. Electrocutions
  139. Electrodeposit
  140. Fashionmongers
  141. Fastidiousness
  142. Fatalistically
  143. Fatherlinesses
  144. Fathomlessness
  145. Fatigabilities
  146. Fearlessnesses
  147. Fearsomenesses
  148. Featherbedding
  149. Featherbrained
  150. Featherweights
  151. Fecklessnesses
  152. Fertilizations
  153. Feudalizations
  154. Feuilletonisms
  155. Feuilletonists
  156. Feverishnesses
  157. Fibrinopeptide
  158. Fibrosarcomata
  159. Fictionalising
  160. Fictionalities
  161. Fictionalizing
  162. Fictioneerings
  163. Fictionization
  164. Fictitiousness
  165. Gastightnesses
  166. Gastroduodenal
  167. Gastroscopists
  168. Gastrovascular
  169. Gelandesprungs
  170. Gelatinization
  171. Gelatinousness
  172. Gemeinschaften
  173. Gemutlichkeits
  174. Genealogically
  175. Generalisation
  176. Generalissimos
  177. Generalization
  178. Generationally
  179. Generousnesses
  180. Hairlessnesses
  181. Hairsplittings
  182. Hallucinations
  183. Hallucinogenic
  184. Hallucinosises
  185. Halterbreaking
  186. Handicraftsman
  187. Handicraftsmen
  188. Handkerchieves
  189. Handsomenesses
  190. Hardhandedness
  191. Hardheadedness
  192. Hardinggrasses
  193. Harmlessnesses
  194. Harmoniousness
  195. Harmonizations
  196. Harpsichordist
  197. Haruspications
  198. Hatchabilities
  199. Headlessnesses
  200. Headmastership
  201. Headmistresses
  202. Headquartering
  203. Heartrendingly
  204. Heavenlinesses
  205. Heavyheartedly
  206. Hedonistically
  207. Heedlessnesses
  208. Hellenizations
  209. Helplessnesses
  210. Hemacytometers
  211. Hemagglutinate
  212. Hemagglutinins
  213. Hemerocallises
  214. Hemicelluloses
  215. Hemimetabolous
  216. Hemocytometers
  217. Hemoflagellate
  218. Hemoglobinuria
  219. Hemoglobinuric
  220. Hepatectomized
  221. Hepatocellular
  222. Illogicalities
  223. Illuminatingly
  224. Illusivenesses
  225. Illusorinesses
  226. Illustrational
  227. Illustratively
  228. Imaginableness
  229. Immaterialisms
  230. Immaterialists
  231. Immaterialized
  232. Immaterializes
  233. Immethodically
  234. Immobilization
  235. Immoderateness
  236. Immovabilities
  237. Immunoblotting
  238. Immunochemical
  239. Immunochemists
  240. Immunogenetics
  241. Immunogenicity
  242. Immunoglobulin
  243. Immunoreactive
  244. Immunosorbents
  245. Immunosuppress
  246. Immutabilities
  247. Impartialities
  248. Impassableness
  249. Imperativeness
  250. Impercipiences
  251. Impermanencies
  252. Impermeability
  253. Impersonalized
  254. Impersonalizes
  255. Impersonations
  256. Impertinencies
  257. Imperviousness
  258. Implausibility
  259. Implementation
  260. Landownerships
  261. Laparoscopists
  262. Laryngectomees
  263. Laryngectomies
  264. Laryngoscopies
  265. Legitimization
  266. Lepidopterists
  267. Letterspacings
  268. Leukemogeneses
  269. Leukemogenesis
  270. Leukocytosises
  271. Leukodystrophy
  272. Lexicalisation
  273. Lexicalization
  274. Lexicographers
  275. Lexicographies
  276. Liberalization
  277. Liberationists
  278. Libertarianism
  279. Machineability
  280. Magnifications
  281. Magniloquences
  282. Magniloquently
  283. Maidenlinesses
  284. Malabsorptions
  285. Malacostracans
  286. Maladaptations
  287. Maladjustments
  288. Maladministers
  289. Malapertnesses
  290. Malapportioned
  291. Malariologists
  292. Malcontentedly
  293. Malfunctioning
  294. Malleabilities
  295. Malodorousness
  296. Manageableness
  297. Manifestations
  298. Manifoldnesses
  299. Manipulability
  300. Manipulatively
  301. Mannerlinesses
  302. Manometrically
  303. Manufacturings
  304. Mariculturists
  305. Materialnesses
  306. Mathematically
  307. Mathematicians
  308. Matriculations
  309. Meaningfulness
  310. Mechanizations
  311. Meddlesomeness
  312. Meditativeness
  313. Megakaryocytes
  314. Megakaryocytic
  315. Nauseousnesses
  316. Navigabilities
  317. Navigationally
  318. Nebulousnesses
  319. Necessitarians
  320. Necessitations
  321. Needlessnesses
  322. Negativenesses
  323. Neglectfulness
  324. Neighborliness
  325. Nephelometries
  326. Nephrectomized
  327. Nephrectomizes
  328. Nephrotoxicity
  329. Neuraminidases
  330. Neuroanatomies
  331. Neuroanatomist
  332. Neurobiologies
  333. Neurobiologist
  334. Neuroblastomas
  335. Neurochemicals
  336. Neurochemistry
  337. Neuroendocrine
  338. Neurofibromata
  339. Neurogenically
  340. Neurologically
  341. Neuropathology
  342. Neuroradiology
  343. Neuroscientist
  344. Neurosecretion
  345. Neurosecretory
  346. Neurosurgeries
  347. Obligingnesses
  348. Obsequiousness
  349. Obsoletenesses
  350. Obstreperously
  351. Obstructionism
  352. Obstructionist
  353. Overabundances
  354. Overaccentuate
  355. Overactivities
  356. Overadjustment
  357. Overadvertised
  358. Overadvertises
  359. Overaggressive
  360. Overanalytical
  361. Overarticulate
  362. Overassertions
  363. Overassessment
  364. Overattentions
  365. Overbreathings
  366. Overcapacities
  367. Overcapitalize
  368. Overcautioning
  369. Overcentralize
  370. Overclassified
  371. Overclassifies
  372. Overcommitment
  373. Overcommitting
  374. Overcompensate
  375. Overcompliance
  376. Overcomplicate
  377. Overcompressed
  378. Overcompresses
  379. Overconcerning
  380. Overconfidence
  381. Overconstructs
  382. Overcontrolled
  383. Overfertilized
  384. Overfertilizes
  385. Overfulfilling
  386. Overgeneralize
  387. Overgenerosity
  388. Overgenerously
  389. Overglamorized
  390. Overglamorizes
  391. Overharvesting
  392. Overhomogenize
  393. Overidealizing
  394. Overidentified
  395. Overidentifies
  396. Overimpressing
  397. Overindulgence
  398. Overinflations
  399. Overinvestment
  400. Overlengthened
  401. Overmaturities
  402. Overmedicating
  403. Overmedication
  404. Overnourishing
  405. Overnutritions
  406. Overoptimistic
  407. Overorganizing
  408. Overornamented
  409. Overparticular
  410. Overpersuading
  411. Overpersuasion
  412. Overpopulating
  413. Overpopulation
  414. Overpoweringly
  415. Overprescribed
  416. Overprescribes
  417. Overprivileged
  418. Overprocessing
  419. Overproduction
  420. Overprograming
  421. Overprogrammed
  422. Overproportion
  423. Overprotecting
  424. Overprotection
  425. Overprotective
  426. Overrefinement
  427. Overregulating
  428. Overregulation
  429. Overresponding
  430. Oversaturating
  431. Oversaturation
  432. Overscrupulous
  433. Oversecretions
  434. Oversimplified
  435. Oversimplifies
  436. Oversimplistic
  437. Oversolicitous
  438. Overspecialize
  439. Overspeculated
  440. Overspeculates
  441. Paedomorphosis
  442. Painlessnesses
  443. Palatabilities
  444. Palatalization
  445. Palatialnesses
  446. Paleobiologies
  447. Paleobiologist
  448. Parasitologist
  449. Paratactically
  450. Pardonableness
  451. Parenchymatous
  452. Parenthesizing
  453. Parsimoniously
  454. Parthenocarpic
  455. Participations
  456. Penicillamines
  457. Penicillinases
  458. Penitentiaries
  459. Pentobarbitals
  460. Pentobarbitone
  461. Peptidoglycans
  462. Perambulations
  463. Perceptibility
  464. Perceptiveness
  465. Perceptivities
  466. Percussionists
  467. Percussiveness
  468. Percutaneously
  469. Peregrinations
  470. Peremptoriness
  471. Perfectibility
  472. Perfectionisms
  473. Perfectionists
  474. Perfectiveness
  475. Pharmaceutical
  476. Pharmacologies
  477. Pharmacologist
  478. Pharmacopoeial
  479. Pharmacopoeias
  480. Phenologically
  481. Phenomenalisms
  482. Phenomenalists
  483. Phenothiazines
  484. Phenotypically
  485. Phlegmatically
  486. Phonologically
  487. Phosphokinases
  488. Phospholipases
  489. Phosphoprotein
  490. Phosphorescent
  491. Phosphorescing
  492. Phosphorolyses
  493. Phosphorolysis
  494. Phosphorolytic
  495. Phosphorylases
  496. Phosphorylated
  497. Phosphorylates
  498. Photoautotroph
  499. Photobiologies
  500. Photobiologist
  501. Photochemistry
  502. Photochromisms
  503. Photocomposers
  504. Photocomposing
  505. Photodetectors
  506. Photoduplicate
  507. Photoelectrons
  508. Photoemissions
  509. Photoengravers
  510. Photoengraving
  511. Photofinishers
  512. Photofinishing
  513. Photogenically
  514. Photogeologies
  515. Photogeologist
  516. Photogrammetry
  517. Photoinduction
  518. Photoinductive
  519. Photolytically
  520. Precentorships
  521. Preceptorships
  522. Preciousnesses
  523. Precipitancies
  524. Precipitations
  525. Precipitinogen
  526. Precociousness
  527. Precombustions
  528. Precommitments
  529. Preconceptions
  530. Preconditioned
  531. Preconsciouses
  532. Preconsciously
  533. Preconsonantal
  534. Preconstructed
  535. Preconventions
  536. Preconvictions
  537. Predaceousness
  538. Predesignating
  539. Predestinarian
  540. Predestinating
  541. Predestination
  542. Predestinators
  543. Predeterminers
  544. Predetermining
  545. Predevaluation
  546. Predevelopment
  547. Predictability
  548. Predischarging
  549. Prediscoveries
  550. Predisposition
  551. Predominancies
  552. Predominations
  553. Preemployments
  554. Preenrollments
  555. Preestablished
  556. Preestablishes
  557. Preexperiments
  558. Prefabricating
  559. Prefabrication
  560. Preferentially
  561. Prefigurations
  562. Prefigurements
  563. Preformulating
  564. Pregnabilities
  565. Prehensilities
  566. Preinterviewed
  567. Premanufacture
  568. Premaxillaries
  569. Premeditatedly
  570. Premeditations
  571. Premenstrually
  572. Premillenarian
  573. Prenominations
  574. Preoccupancies
  575. Preoccupations
  576. Preoperational
  577. Preoperatively
  578. Preordainments
  579. Preordinations
  580. Preparednesses
  581. Preperformance
  582. Preponderances
  583. Preponderantly
  584. Preponderately
  585. Preponderating
  586. Preponderation
  587. Prepossessions
  588. Preposterously
  589. Preproductions
  590. Preprogramming
  591. Productivities
  592. Professionally
  593. Professorially
  594. Professoriates
  595. Professorships
  596. Profitableness
  597. Profoundnesses
  598. Progestational
  599. Prognosticated
  600. Prognosticates
  601. Prognosticator
  602. Progressivisms
  603. Progressivists
  604. Prohibitionist
  605. Projectionists
  606. Proletarianise
  607. Proletarianize
  608. Proliferations
  609. Prolificnesses
  610. Pronouncements
  611. Pronunciamento
  612. Pronunciations
  613. Propagandistic
  614. Propagandizers
  615. Propagandizing
  616. Propitiousness
  617. Proportionable
  618. Proportionably
  619. Proportionally
  620. Proportionated
  621. Proportionates
  622. Propositioning
  623. Proprietorship
  624. Proprietresses
  625. Proprioception
  626. Proprioceptive
  627. Proprioceptors
  628. Proscriptively
  629. Prosencephalic
  630. Prosencephalon
  631. Prosperousness
  632. Prostaglandins
  633. Prosthetically
  634. Prosthodontics
  635. Prosthodontist
  636. Protectionisms
  637. Protectionists
  638. Protectiveness
  639. Protectorships
  640. Prothonotarial
  641. Prothonotaries
  642. Protohistorian
  643. Protohistories
  644. Protolanguages
  645. Protoplanetary
  646. Protoporphyrin
  647. Prototypically
  648. Recalibrations
  649. Recanalization
  650. Recapitalizing
  651. Recapitulating
  652. Recapitulation
  653. Recentrifuging
  654. Rechoreographs
  655. Reciprocations
  656. Recirculations
  657. Recklessnesses
  658. Recodification
  659. Recolonization
  660. Recombinations
  661. Recommencement
  662. Recommendation
  663. Recommendatory
  664. Recommissioned
  665. Recontaminates
  666. Recrystallized
  667. Recrystallizes
  668. Rectangularity
  669. Rectifiability
  670. Rectifications
  671. Redescriptions
  672. Redevelopments
  673. Redintegrating
  674. Redintegration
  675. Redintegrative
  676. Rediscountable
  677. Redispositions
  678. Redistillation
  679. Redistributing
  680. Redistribution
  681. Redistributive
  682. Reducibilities
  683. Reductionistic
  684. Reduplications
  685. Reembroidering
  686. Reencountering
  687. Reestablishing
  688. Reexaminations
  689. Reexperiencing
  690. Reexportations
  691. Referentiality
  692. Reflectiveness
  693. Reflectivities
  694. Reflectometers
  695. Reflectorizing
  696. Reforestations
  697. Reformulations
  698. Refractiveness
  699. Refractivities
  700. Refractometers
  701. Refractometric
  702. Refractoriness
  703. Refrangibility
  704. Refrigerations
  705. Refurbishments
  706. Regardlessness
  707. Regenerateness
  708. Regimentations
  709. Regressiveness
  710. Regressivities
  711. Regularization
  712. Regurgitations
  713. Rehabilitating
  714. Rehabilitation
  715. Rehabilitative
  716. Rehabilitators
  717. Rehospitalized
  718. Rehospitalizes
  719. Reimbursements
  720. Reimplantation
  721. Reimportations
  722. Reincarnations
  723. Reincorporated
  724. Reincorporates
  725. Reinfestations
  726. Reinforcements
  727. Reinnervations
  728. Reinoculations
  729. Reinstallation
  730. Reinstatements
  731. Reintegrations
  732. Reinterpreting
  733. Reinterviewing
  734. Reintroduction
  735. Reinvestigated
  736. Renationalizes
  737. Renegotiations
  738. Renewabilities
  739. Representation
  740. Representative
  741. Repressibility
  742. Reregistration
  743. Resegregations
  744. Reservationist
  745. Reservednesses
  746. Resignednesses
  747. Resistlessness
  748. Resolutenesses
  749. Respectability
  750. Respectfulness
  751. Respectiveness
  752. Respiritualize
  753. Sanctification
  754. Sanguinenesses
  755. Sansculottisms
  756. Saponification
  757. Satisfactorily
  758. Scabrousnesses
  759. Scandalmongers
  760. Speciousnesses
  761. Spectatorships
  762. Spectinomycins
  763. Spectrographic
  764. Spectrometries
  765. Spectroscopies
  766. Spectroscopist
  767. Speechlessness
  768. Spellbindingly
  769. Spermatogonial
  770. Spermatogonium
  771. Strikebreakers
  772. Strikebreaking
  773. Structuralisms
  774. Structuralists
  775. Tablespoonsful
  776. Tachistoscopes
  777. Thanatological
  778. Thanatologists
  779. Undernutrition
  780. Vegetarianisms
  781. Vegetativeness
  782. Venerabilities
  783. Vengefulnesses
  784. Venomousnesses
  785. Ventriloquisms
  786. Ventriloquists
  787. Ventriloquized
  788. Ventriloquizes
  789. Weatherpersons
  790. Weatherproofed
  791. Weightlessness
  792. Weightliftings
  793. Weltanschauung
  794. Westernisation
  795. Westernization
  796. Wheelbarrowing
  797. Whimsicalities
  798. Whippersnapper
  799. Whistleblowers
  800. Whistleblowing