Story of Honesty, the Guide to Salvation: A Story about Honesty for Children

Story of Honesty, the Guide to Salvation: A Story about Honesty for Children

Story of Honesty, the Guide to Salvation: A Story about Honesty for Children
Story of Honesty, the Guide to Salvation: A Story about Honesty for Children

The story of honesty is a guide to salvation is a story about honesty for children presented to you by the Children's Stories website, known for presenting and publishing the best purposeful and useful bedtime stories for children.

The story of honesty is a guide to salvation. It is a story about honesty for children that tells the story of a cow who makes a promise to a tiger. What does this promise entail, and will she keep it or not? This is what will be revealed in the story.

The Story

Once upon a time, there was a cow living in a village. This cow was quiet, and although it was a cow, it had very noble qualities and lived in peace without fighting with other cows.

One day, a lion saw the cow grazing alone in the forest near the village. The tiger stared at the cow, which was precious and healthy. The lion immediately pounced on the cow and took control.

When the lion was about to kill the cow with his fangs, the cow said with sympathy, Wait a little, lion. Please, my son has not yet learned how to graze in the grass. He is very innocent and still does not understand the reality of life. I came here to graze so that I could provide him with milk. He is now waiting for me to return. If you are lenient, I will breastfeed my child. I will teach my little one how to behave politely with others. After that, I will return to you, and you can eat me afterwards.

The lion said, What a deceitful talk. You come back here after you breastfeed your baby at home. Do you think I am stupid while I live in this forest? I am not stupid.

The cow said: Don't misunderstand me; I am telling you the truth, and I keep my words and promises, and this is a promise, and there is another thing: I am not afraid of death; I lost hope of staying alive when you attacked me, but think about my baby even for a moment; he must be waiting for me to return now, but he has to depend on himself from now on, and I will return to you after I teach my baby how to deal with this world and what is good and what is evil, and I will see my baby and breastfeed him for the last time; after that, you can eat me, and I have no objection to that.

The lion said, Umm... you pets live with people I do not trust, so how can I believe your words?

Then the lion thought and said, Okay, I will give you a chance because I believe your feelings, and I will see how honest the animals who live among people are. You can leave and return as soon as possible.

The cow ran to her house quickly and began to breastfeed her hungry baby. She touched his body gently and tenderly, tears filling her eyes, and said to him, "My dear little one, live a decent life and respect all people; be a good friend to all your friends and keep your promises; do not lie no matter what happens; let your actions speak for you; live in peace, my little one, and love everyone around you."

After she finished her kind words and said goodbye to her little son, the cow went to the village with sadness squeezing her heart.

When the lion, who was waiting for the cow to return in the forest, saw her coming to him, he was stunned and said to himself, Oh my! How honest this cow is! The person who thinks that his promise is more important than his life is truly a great person, and if I kill an honest cow like this, it will certainly be one of the biggest sins I will commit in my life.

When the cow approached the lion, he said with immense astonishment and amazement, Oh my! How honest you are to fulfill your promise. You returned to me without fearing death, and if I took your life, I would have committed the most heinous sins. Forgive me for doubting your honesty. I will look for something else to eat and go home and live in peace and happiness with your little son so that he can learn more from you about these noble morals. The cow returned to her home and lived happily with her young one, teaching him that honesty always saves from the most difficult dangers.